For my senior projected I wanted to combine two very different mediums to create one cohesive story. I love working in Cinema 4d to create realistic scenes and I also love to digitally paint. Working with two very different mediums means two very different work flows.
My initial process began with trial and error for a story line that highlighted significant events in the characters life. I used some of my own personal experiences as well as experiences from the people around me. I wanted to put some of myself in the character, but also give the character her own life. I thought back to when my own bedroom went through the most significant changes and found it was always major life events. The most recent being the start of the Covid 19 pandemic when I felt stuck in one place and was tired of looking at the same furniture and paint color. I then made multiple story boards and cut them down to the product I think worked best.
My story will follow a bedroom through out time. Starting with it being a nursery and ending with it as a new space. I want this room to grow with the character that lives in it. The audience with see her bigger life events and how her room changes with them.
Next I began my research for character design. This process is a much lengthier one than I initially thought. I started with very cartoony characters then bounced to hyper realistic versions. I finally settled on characters that were closer to the realistic side but looked painted. I wanted my final frames to work together, but also stand on their own as individual art pieces. Currently I am working through what my character will look like as she ages. Then I will move on to her parents and the few other characters I have. I am most looking forward to drawing what her dog will look like.
For my 3D process I began by researching bedroom designs for different ages. Then I started sketching out what I wanted my scenes to look like. I am currently working on modeling assets for my scenes. Instead of using procedural textures or photographs for textures I plan on digitally paint them to match the style of my characters. Currently I am trying out a few different styles of this.